Tennessee Smart Yards Native Plants

A comprehensive database of Tennessee native plants

Dwarf Hackberry, Small Sugar Hackberry

Dwarf Hackberry, Small Sugar Hackberry

Celtis tenuifolia (C. georgiana)

Full sun; medium to dry moisture level; tolerates a wide range of soils including loamy, rocky, sandy, and clay; neutral to alkaline pH.

12-25 feet height by 8-15 feet spread; greenish-white flowers in spring; purplish-brown, fleshy fruit, 1/8 – ¼ inch, in fall containing a single, hard stone that encloses a seed.

Growth Rate: Slow to medium

Maintenance: Susceptible to witches’ broom, caused by a small mite, which can be significantly disfiguring but not fatal.

Propagation: Seed germination code C (60-90) at 41 degrees F.

Native Region: Primarily in Middle and East Tennessee and concentrated in the Blue Ridge and Cumberland Plateau provinces

Uncommon to rare, small tree of rocky habitats. High drought tolerance. Fruit attracts birds.



One response to “Dwarf Hackberry, Small Sugar Hackberry

  1. joystewart January 26, 2016 at 3:22 pm

    I bought this tree in a one quart pot in 2011 from a mail-order nursery. I planted the little thing in mostly clay in a low part of my yard in full sun, and basically just left it alone except for extra watering in the first year. It is a tough, easy-to-grow tree. It had tripled in size by fall. Now it is about 8-10 feet tall and developing a nice shape. It has required no extra care. I didn’t have room for the full-sized hackberry so this is a really nice option. I believe it is kind of hard to find, but I found it at Pine Ridge Gardens in Arkansas.

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