Tennessee Smart Yards Native Plants

A comprehensive database of Tennessee native plants

Lance-leaved Loosestrife, Lanceleaf Loosestrife

Lance-leafed Loosestrife, Lanceleaf Loosestrife

Lysimachia lanceolata

Full to part sun; medium moisture level; prefers loamy soil but tolerates sandy or rocky soil; slightly acid to neutral pH.  1-2 feet height; blooms in summer; yellow flowers; spreads by underground rhizomes to form small colonies.

Germination Code:  C(80)

Native Region:  Occurs in all Tennessee provinces but particularly common on the Cumberland Plateau

Attractive, tough plant that spreads steadily by rhizomes which form little plantlets, thus creating a green mulch that helps suppress weeds.  Individual plants have a 12-24 inch spread.   Flowers are small but pretty and often hang downward.  Occurs naturally in moist meadows, open moist woodlands, thickets, swamps, pond margins, limestone glades, and old fields with hardpan clay or sandy soil.  Flowers produce a floral oil rather than nectar, which makes them attractive to short-tongued bees.

Plants available commercially are usually ‘Burgundy Mist’ Lanceleaf Loosestrife.  This is a purple-leaved form with wine red foliage.  It was originally found in an isolated population in Tennessee by the owners of GroWild Inc. Nursery — Mike Berkley and Terri Barnes.


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