Tennessee Smart Yards Native Plants

A comprehensive database of Tennessee native plants

American Columbo, Green Gentian

American Columbo, Green Gentian 

Frasera caroliniensis

Part to full shade, moderately wet to moderately dry moisture level but prefers moist, tolerates a range of soils including clay, acid to neutral pH.  6-8 ft. height, blooms in early summer, white/green/brown flowers.

Germination Code:  M

Native Region:  Middle Tennessee and lightly in West and in East Tennessee

Although it occurs in most of the eastern U.S, it is a rare in its range.  Labeled a perennial, biennial, and triennial by various plant sources.


5 responses to “American Columbo, Green Gentian

  1. tina@inthegarden April 9, 2013 at 2:29 am

    I have been trying for over a month to identify this plant and one of my local friends sent me your website and there it was! So awesome! We just bought 60 acres and on a field and the southern side of the very high hill these grow PROLIFICALLY. I had noticed the seedheads on last years blooms but had no idea what it was thinking it was a weed. How cool! So glad you posted this!

    • tynnativeplants August 2, 2013 at 2:03 pm

      So glad you found this helpful!! I absolutely love discovering and identifying plants!! We are continuously adding to our database so keep coming back to see what else is growing in your landscape. Also, if you have time, send us some pictures of your American Columbo,Green Gentian and we will add them to our image gallery. :) Many Thanks!

  2. tina@inthegarden August 2, 2013 at 3:23 pm

    Wilco! And you are welcomed. I wrote an article about my misadventures identifying the columbo for the Perennial Plant Society of Middle Tennessee with a link to you all. Great blog and keep up the good work!

    Here are some of my articles on the columbo:



    I hope to be able to study it a bit once we get settled out there. I did photograph a blooming plant and am documenting its demise:( A neat plant indeed. I emailed the local college thinking some sharp grad student might want to study it but received no response. I wish it was rated by Tennessee and more known about it. Anyhow thanks for such an informative blog!

  3. tina@inthegarden August 2, 2013 at 11:21 pm

    Sure, just email me offline and I’ll send you what you like. ramseytina5@gmail.com

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