Tennessee Smart Yards Native Plants

A comprehensive database of Tennessee native plants

Standing Cypress, Scarlet Gilia

Standing Cypress, Scarlet Gilia

Ipomopsis rubra

Full sun; medium to dry moisture level; rocky, sandy or loamy soil but will tolerate clay soil if drainage is good.  2-5 feet height; blooms summer into fall; scarlet red to reddish orange flowers; will naturalize by freely self-seeding under optimum conditions.

Germination Code:  A

Native Region:  ?

This flower is a biennial and a member of the Phlox family.  Showy flowers on a single, tall stalk.  First year of growth will produce a short, ferny rosette, followed by a flower spike in the second year.  When the spike is done, cut it off and new spikes will form.  Once established, it is carefree and drought tolerant.  To get flowers every year, plant seed two years in a row and always allow plants to re-seed.  Attracts bees, butterflies and especially hummingbirds.


One response to “Standing Cypress, Scarlet Gilia

  1. joystewart March 12, 2017 at 1:26 am

    It seems like most people have not heard of this plant, and it sure deserves wider recognition. I put out seeds one year as an experiment, and they were so successful that I repeated the process in the next several years. They are so easy to grow and so striking. They are also easy to spot in the first year when they are cute, little ferny mounds. I love having this plant, and it seems to just take care of itself.

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