Tennessee Smart Yards Native Plants

A comprehensive database of Tennessee native plants

Carolina Cranesbill, Carolina Geranium

Carolina Cranesbill, Carolina Geranium

Geranium carolinianum

Full to part sun; medium dry to dry moisture level; clay, rocky or sandy soil; tolerant of a wide range of pH.  1 to 2 feet height; blooms late spring into summer; white to pink flowers; spreads readily by re-seeding.

Germination Code:   No pre-treatment required

Native Region:  Scattered statewide in nearly all counties

An easy-to-grow, multi-branched annual or biennial herb.  Its name comes from the one-inch long slender beak-like pod in which the plant’s seeds develop.  Erect stems covered in silky hairs; stem color usually pink to red.  Drought resistant once established and is disease and maintenance free.  Likes dry areas with nutrient-poor soil so can be found in places inhospitable to most plants as long as there is some water available. Native to meadows, lawns, roadsides, dry hard fields, rocky woods, abandoned fields and farmlands.  Re-seeds readily and can become weedy so best used as a groundcover on naturalized sites.  Beneficial to bees, butterflies and other pollinators.  Mourning doves consider the seed to be a delectable snack.


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