Tennessee Smart Yards Native Plants

A comprehensive database of Tennessee native plants

Lance-leaf Coreopsis

Lance-leaf Coreopsis

Coreopsis lanceolata

Full sun, moderately dry to dry moisture level, most soils except rocky, slightly acid to neutral pH.  1-2 ft. height, blooms late spring through summer, yellow flowers, self-sows readily.

Germination Code:  C(30)

Native Region:  Concentrated in Highland Rim and Central Basin provinces and lightly in rest of the state

Well behaved, attractive garden plant.  Most common coreopsis and easy to grow. This species of coreopsis has a clump-forming growth pattern and may be more reliably perennial than other clump-forming species of coreopsis especially if planted in sandy, well drained soil.  It tends to be more disease prone, suffering from both powdery mildew and downy mildew. Attracts butterflies.


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