Tennessee Smart Yards Native Plants

A comprehensive database of Tennessee native plants

Widow’s Cross

Widow’s Cross

Sedum pulchellum

Full to part sun; medium to moderately dry moisture level; loamy or rocky soil; prefers alkaline soil but will tolerate neutral to slightly acid pH.  6 to 12 inches height; blooms in spring; pink flowers; re-seeds easily.

Germination Code:  C(30), D

Native Region:  Occurs in most counties in Highland Rim and Central Basin provinces and in isolated counties in all other provinces.

An attractive stonecrop with ascending, spreading pink to light green stems that are typically 6 inches tall. The name Widow’s Cross refers to the pink flower petals which are arranged in the pattern of a cross. Makes a showy ground cover and easy to grow. Best planted en masse or in groups. Plants referred to as “stonecrops” are those typically found growing on rocky or stony areas. Occurs naturally in the shallow soil of rocky limestone outcrops, ledges and glades. It is a tough little plant. Although plants can live for more than a year, it also commonly grows as an annual, and seeds germinate in fall or early spring.
High producer of pollen so attracts many species of native bees.


One response to “Widow’s Cross

  1. joystewart June 26, 2022 at 12:41 pm

    I fell in love with this little plant and ended up planting a solid area of it about 6′ by 5′. It is definitely easy to grow and very pretty. However, given its small size, it is not very competitive with larger plants which slowly crowd it out. Mine has gradually died back, probably because the area has gradually gone to full shade. Very eye catching in a setting where it is allowed to dominate.

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